
Monthly Archives: March 2016

To Live as Wolves-The One Saving Grace

To Live as Wolves is an up and coming band from New York that has a very strong message in their music. I had ran into their first EP about a month ago and it blew me away with how powerful the songs were. After listening to it, and reading through their lyrics, I thought they would be a great band to talk to. I reached out to the band to see if they might be interested in talking to me and […]

Leave the Universe- We Are All in this Crazy Life Together

Leave the Universe is a cyber punk influenced Pop/Rock band that was originally from Durango, CO and moved to San Diego, CA when they felt they needed a larger audience than their local scene could provide. Their current line up consists of Kalin Pugh, Cameron Phillips, and Austin Arthur. Currently they have two singles that are available for free at their Soundcloud page: “Dreamers Never Die”, a slower acoustic song showcasing their more reserved pop influenced side, and “Run”, a […]

Dominic Valecillo-Music is the island in that rough sea

I first met Dominic online about seven years ago when he was still in the band Pesticide. Pesticide was a Industrial rock act that seemed to draw it’s influence from bands like Faith No More and Mushroomhead. I was running a fan site that introduced new music and I stumbled across them and became “friends” with Dom after inquiring about the band. Unfortunately, soon after I discovered them, Pesticide disbanded. Dom and I stayed on as online friends and I […]

J Bergman-Life changes everything

I met J. (JB) Bergman about 7 years ago through MySpace. After some time of conversations I ended up helping him design some web page designs on MySpace and we became friends as well as clients. Fast forward a few years, MySpace has all but died, but we remained friends and have kept in touch as regularly as we could both leading different lives. JB, is one of the hardest working musicians I know and has several projects that he is […]

Standard Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam semper leo eget sapien ultrices vitae facilisis massa dictum. Fusce eu purus a urna accumsan luctus. Nullam sit amet nisi non ante ultrices egestas. Proin erat nulla, congue adipiscing accumsan id, sollicitudin eget dolor. Vestibulum ipsum urna, consequat vel cursus ut, scelerisque vel nisl. Suspendisse molestie facilisis dui, et rutrum enim fermentum id. Curabitur tincidunt tellus sed risus vulputate fringilla. Mauris luctus posuere odio, quis viverra purus consequat ac. Aliquam luctus […]

Image Lightbox

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam semper leo eget sapien ultrices vitae facilisis massa dictum. Fusce eu purus a urna accumsan luctus. Nullam sit amet nisi non ante ultrices egestas. Proin erat nulla, congue adipiscing accumsan id, sollicitudin eget dolor. Vestibulum ipsum urna, consequat vel cursus ut, scelerisque vel nisl. Suspendisse molestie facilisis dui, et rutrum enim fermentum id. Curabitur tincidunt tellus sed risus vulputate fringilla. Mauris luctus posuere odio, quis viverra purus consequat ac. Aliquam luctus […]